Neustadt an der Donau

The city Neustadt an der Donau, between Ingolstadt and Regensburg in Landkreis Kelheim, has the oldest of all Bavarian Town privileges. The town was granted these rights on 11 May 1273 from Duke Ludwig II. The city was always a target for looting with fire and destruction occuring during the wars for many centuries. The last severe blow to the city occurred at the end of WWII when 70% of it was destroyed.

The city Neustadt an der Donau itself is made up of 12 mostly countryside suburbs and is largely a commercial and industrial community. One exception is the suburb Bad Gögging. In this spa and tourist town the existing remedies (sulphur, moor and thermal applications) are used to promote health. Through the construction of the spa house, high-performing spa clinics and 4-star hotels the quality and what the spa town has to offer has increased considerably, already with the Limes thermal bath which has become popular around the nation. Additional tourist attractions include- after recognition as a world cultural heritage- the beginning of the Limes in the suburb Hienheim, directly on the Danube, and the Roman Castle of Abusina in Eining.


Tourist- Information Bad Gögging
Heiligenstädter Str. 5
93333 Neustadt an der Donau

Tel. 09445-9575-0
Fax 09445-9575-33

14.800 Einwohner